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Pro Tips: Resin & Fluid Art

Resin & Fluid Art - Sparkling Creations: Using Glitter in Resin Art

Posted by Adryanna Sutherland on

Welcome back to our blog series, “Pro Tips: Resin & Fluid Art.” Today, we’re adding a touch of sparkle to our creations by exploring the use of glitter in resin art.Why Use Glitter in Resin Art?Glitter adds a unique dimension to resin art, creating a sense of depth and movement. It catches the light, adding a dynamic element that changes depending on the viewer’s perspective. Whether you’re aiming for a subtle shimmer or a bold sparkle, glitter can elevate your resin art to new heights.Choosing Your GlitterGlitter comes in a variety of forms, each creating a different effect: 1. Fine...

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Resin & Fluid Art - Crafting Captivating Ocean Scenes

Posted by Adryanna Sutherland on

Welcome back to our blog series, "Pro Tips: Resin & Fluid Art." Today, we're diving into the deep blue sea, exploring how to create mesmerizing ocean scenes with waves in your resin art.Understanding Ocean WavesBefore you start crafting waves, it's essential to understand their nature. Ocean waves aren't just blue; they're a blend of colors, including shades of blue, green, white, and even brown. The color of your waves will depend on factors like depth, light, and the sea floor.Choosing Your ColorsStart by selecting your color palette. For a typical ocean wave, you might choose a dark blue for the...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Color Theory

Posted by Adryanna Sutherland on

Today, we’re diving into the world of color theory, a fundamental concept that can significantly enhance your resin and fluid art creations. Understanding the Color WheelAt the heart of color theory is the color wheel, a circular diagram of colors arranged by their chromatic relationship. The color wheel consists of: Primary Colors: Red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be made by mixing other colors. Secondary Colors: Green, orange, and purple. These are made by mixing two primary colors. Tertiary Colors: Created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. Color HarmoniesColor harmonies, or color schemes, are combinations of colors...

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6 Tips for Perfectly Preserving Dried Flowers in Resin

Posted by Adryanna Sutherland on

Today, we're exploring the delicate art of preserving dried flowers in resin, a technique that allows you to capture the fleeting beauty of nature in a lasting piece of art.Dried flowers encapsulated in clear resin create stunning, three-dimensional artworks that can be used in a variety of applications, from jewelry to home decor. Here are some pro tips to help you perfect this technique:1. Choose the Right Flowers Not all flowers dry well, so it's essential to choose varieties that retain their color and shape. Some good options include roses, daisies, and lavender. Remember, thinner and smaller flowers are easier...

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Mastering the Art of Layering in Resin

Posted by Adryanna Sutherland on

Resin art is a medium that offers endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. One of the techniques that has been gaining popularity among professional artists is layering. This method involves creating multiple layers of resin, each with its own unique elements, to create a piece with depth and dimension. In this blog post, we will explore this technique and how our professional art supplies at can help you achieve stunning results. Layering in resin art is a meticulous process that requires patience and precision. The first step is to pour a thin layer of resin onto your work surface. This...

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